/* First, if you load fewer or more than 6 sponsors into your rotator, change the "sponsor" variable to the actual number of sponsor .gifs you plan to load. */ number_of_sponsors=2; var sctr=0; var halt=0; var isn=new Array(); var bnrid=new Array(); var tracLog = new Array() var BnrAlt = new Array() var BnrName = new Array() for (i=0;inumber_of_sponsors-1) { sctr=0; } var showImg = document.getElementById('banner-top') var thestring = isn[sctr].src //alert('sctr = ' + sctr + ' halt = ' + halt); //alert('no flash ' + thestring); document.sponsor.src = isn[sctr].src; document.sponsor.alt = BnrAlt[sctr]; //10 second rotation setTimeout("rotateIt()",10000); } } /* This code will work just fine with or without frames. However, if you are in frames and wish to replicate the TARGET="_top" call to remove frames, change the location.href call to: parent.location.href=durl[sctr]; below. */ function doIt() { halt=1; var GoToWin = durl[sctr]; var swidth = screen.availWidth + 20; var n = GoToWin.search("http"); if(n!='-1') { var sheight = screen.availHeight; var winOptions = 'Height=' + sheight + ', Width=' + swidth +',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'; var popup = window.open(GoToWin,'NewWindow',winOptions); if (!popup.opener) popup.opener = self; } else { document.location.href=GoToWin; } } function dispIt() { window.status=''; } var rotateAfterLoad = function() { document.readyState !== "complete" ? setTimeout(rotateAfterLoad,5) : rotateIt(); }; rotateAfterLoad();