Rescue Friends

If you are a rescue partner with SBC and would like to put your rescue on here email your logo, website url, facebook url, twitter url, amazon wishlist url, PayPalMe url, url and comment about your rescue to
You can use this email address when sending in pull notices from rescues and your email will go to everyone listed on the Contact Us page except for Steve Miller and Cathy Nisbet. This is a forward only email and is not saved anywhere except to the persons it is sent to, when they get the email it still shows as coming from the sender not this email address

Don't have a PayPal.Me link yet click her to get it

Angels For Animals Rescue (1585)
Angels For Animals RESCUE is the last voice for dogs and cats who, through no fault of their own, find themselves awaiting death at local shelters. Angels for Animals is a California 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing dogs from the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter. All of the dogs we rescue are in loving foster homes where they are rehabilitated, socialized and receive all of the medical treatment they need so they can be placed in their forever home.
Angels N Paws Rescue (6383)
Angels n Paws Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping homeless animals. We rescue death row shelter animals, homeless street animals, and owner turn-ins! Each animal is spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and micro chipped. We do not believe in euthanasia, unless terminally ill, determined by a vet, and animal is suffering. We provide training for all of our rescued dogs, ranging from "basic training" to behavioral modification, to ensure dogs are successful in their new homes. We provide a healthy and loving environment for all our rescued animals until they find their forever homes (or provide a sanctuary for those who cannot find their forever home, for the rest of their lives
Angels Of Rawley Foundation (1415)
We are a 501c3 foundation whose mission is rescuing dogs from high kill shelters and adopting them into safe, loving homes
Cause For SB Paws Rescue (1498)
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal rescue organization committed to changing the mindset of San Bndo and saving dogs from our streets, SBC & Devore.
Fido Freedom, Inc. & Fido Freedom Transport (493)
A loving 501c3 canine rescue as well as a safe and reliable animal transport service for rescues and rescue partners. Free with suggested donation.
Guardian Angel Pet Rescue, Inc. (1959)
Guardian Angel Pet Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.
Our mission is to save unwanted, neglected and discarded dogs and cats. As we walk this path to rescue and assist those in need we are making them all the prom...ise to provide a better life for each of them. We promise to never forget this is a total commitment to the end for each and every innocent life we bring in to our rescue.
Rebel Souls Rescue (841)
We are a 501c non profit dedicated to rehabilitating, creating well balanced happy dogs saved from high kill shelters . Changing lives, one dog at time...
The Furgotten (291)
We are a registered 501c3 that rescues dogs from high kill shelters and places them in loving forever homes.